Pirate Tamers have appeared again! Pirates have returned and taken up many new beach camps. They can be found all across the world and in T2A. Strange new treasures and blackened skulls have been sighted. It is told in ancient texts that gathering the trinity of skulls can summon the blackened pirates and their vile pets! Contact Keza to use the 3 skulls at any summoning grounds outside towns and houses. Using the skulls will consume them, but offer a greater reward. These skulls can only be found while the event runs in over ten new pirate locations. Pirate Tamer ships will still be found at sea in random locations. All are welcome to post stories and pictures of Pirate Tamer encounters here! Pirate Tamers 2020 | | Pirate Tamer Voyage
Pirate tamers seem to be a strange folk. You get in their range and on a mystic way, they start to fight and kill each other. Carrying strange writing utensils on their ship...
As of today, the event is about half way. Hard to put an exact end date on these things because player activity spikes and dips. Below is the first completed list of this years Pirate Tamer Rares. If you've not yet tried your hand at this event, there is still time!
Event Update Skulls, ships, and, treasures have been found across the land and ocean since April 20th. On June 20th, the pirates will retreat back to the seas of their hidden world. After that time, the summoning of blackened pirates will no longer be possible. Hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy the event. If not, there are still a few weeks left!
All the ships have been found! The remaining few days of this event will take place on the beaches. Good luck out there!
All of this years red 1654 hued rare items have been found. Only thing remaining to find is blackened skulls for a few days. If you have a set of all three different skulls before the 21st, you can also summon the blackened pirates.
Thanks to all who took part in this years event. Hopefully you all had fun fighting the pirates at sea and on land. Final listing of rares shown below, none of these items will ever be created again
Thanks for the event Keza, a lot of fun. I guess what happened to that poor missing Blood Pirate Quill