Magery is a must to a certian extent even if you use weapons. There are a couple of players in the group who are using weapons also.
A bunch of pvp newbies did this in April. We wanted to understand how to execute and defend against multiple pairings (1v1 2v2 4v2 etc) It was a blast and I enjoyed every bit of it! We did this on the test server to not worry about expense of education! I'm more zero than hero but would love to be a victim for your recruits! Heal mage might not kill quick but we are hearty!
Ervin was doing a fantastic job with this but then he got swept up by work, etc. in the early fall. Unfortunately I don't think anybody picked it up again.
That is a real pity, I guess ill just have to stick with my chars with scribe and a great recall macro.
Hey check out this thread: Anyone who sees this looking for PvP training see above thread.
Thanks Vlar, I replied to that thread but they all seem rather dead! Hopefully someone will be kind enough to reply as you did.
So Horatio the thread Vlar linked is no longer going on although I hear Roman has plans to do public training sessions. You could always pm us all in IRC with any questions or just join up with a faction and get your feet wet. You definitely need to be with a group if your going to learn much in factions. I would get in touch with one of the faction leaders and see if any will take you on. You could try pming Ebola for COM, Mes for SL, Roman for Minax, Amfekk for TB.
Thank you for that El Horno, which one has the least members at the moment? Is there a way to see faction status on the website at all?
Minax has least members but also are probably the least likely faction to onboard you. Doesn't hurt to ask. Beyond that jeez I don't know. Any of the other 3 factions can put on numbers, with tb maybe having an edge in that they can bring #'s with more regularity. Com is imo your best option, they are a good group of guy. If com won't take you, well, there is always tb.
1) Cheapsuit 2) fencing 100, Macing 100, tactics 100, anatomy 100, healing 100, resist 100, magery 73, poisoning 27 3) 95 Str, 90 Dex, 40 Int 4) PvP experience - here and there but not in this era of UO 5) Timezone EST
Wow this is a great thread. I'm going to perfect my blacksmith and get a house before I make my PvP character, slayer of bards tamers and afks, but look forward to something like this when I get time.
Hello all, I'm back in UO now that real life has settled down. Who's up for another semester of PvP training? If anyone wants to volunteer their time to help in any way, please let me know. This would include instruct, be a punching bag, unleash hell, etc..
Is it too late to join up for this? I'm aware this post is quite old now but I would really like to find some people or person to help me learn some pvp