If you have been added to the Guildstone please post the following information in this thread: This will allow each other to know who all is in the guild and contact in IRC if you wish to train with each other outside of the scheduled training times. If you are wishing to be added to the guildstone please contact me via PM or IRC.
Character Name: Cassidy Template: Tank Mage w/Swords PvP Experience: Slight IRC nickname: Cassidy Timezone: Central Online Times: 10pm
Character Name: crazyweasel Template: Tank Mage w/ Swords PvP Experience: None IRC Nickname: illbottleya Timezone: EST Online Times: somewhere around 7-11pm a couple times a week
Hey all whats happening? Character Name: Oleric Template: 7x Tank Mage with Fencing PvP Experience: Dying repeatedly to reds at lich lords IRC nickname: Oleric Timezone: PST Online Times: 7-9am and 9-11 pm usually