2018 Fall Semester Sign - Up

Discussion in 'PvP University [P*U]' started by Ervin, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Back again for another installment of PvP training, this time with a new location! Our new University is located South East of Trinsic Moongate just one screen in a Large Tower - Open to the Public!

    In case you are wondering what you will learn during your tenure with P*U, take a look!

    1) Create or Fine-tune a template for PvP
    2) Set up basic hot keys for your template
    3) Set up basic to advanced macros for PvP
    4) Understanding the mechanics of PvP
    5) How to cross heal, survive a dump, synch, and mana management
    6) How to 5X duel, 7X duel, 2vs2, 4vs4, fight outnumbered, & survival tactics
    7) The rules of engagement (and when there are no rules!)
    8) How to use YOUR template best to survive and thrive!

    Plus more!

    The basic premise of the guild is to take a person, teach them all they need to know to make them proficient at PvP, and graduate them to go on and join a Faction, another PvP Guild, or forge their own path. Perhaps some will join to learn to better defend themselves from Pk's, and some will go on to practice and become the most renowned PvPers on the server. But the guild is not intended to become a permanent home for players. You may stay as long as you feel the need or as long as you are working to better yourself, but the guild will not function as a normal PvP guild, it will be nothing but a training grounds. It is not intended to take up the place of your current guild or all of your time. There will be scheduled classes you can plan around as well as constant availability to train if you so desire. I hope to have many events that will enlist the participation of other PvP guilds and PvPers of the community for training purposes, and no I won't ask them to take it easy on you!

    So what qualifications do you need? Simple.

    1) Have enough UO experience to know your way around the basics of the game, if you are new to UO please learn the basics of the game before you dive in to PVP.
    2) Have a useable template with decent skill values. This does not mean you need a 7x GM character but you don't need to be fizzling energy bolts as well.
    3) Use Razor and only Razor. Any use of illegal 3rd party programs will get you banned from the guild, publicly humiliated, and reported to staff. You don't need them to be good.
    4) Have enough funds to supply yourself with reagents, weapons, potions, etc...PvP can get expensive so it's best to have some gold in the bank. Any weapons used in training will be made by a GM Blacksmith. No runics or magic weapons allowed, save that for the real fight.
    5) Have a positive, respectful attitude and willingness to learn. You will be working with me and others. A positive reinforcement atmosphere is the only one I will tolerate.
    6) You must be willing to use voice comms. We will use Discord get it at https://discordapp.com/
    7) Use IRC for ease of mass communication for the guild. There are many free irc programs available, I suggest www.mirc.com , we will utilize #PU as our channel.

    Pretty simple huh? Like I said before you can join to learn as little or as much as you would like and to gain step by step experience and introduction into the awesome world of UO PvP. If you're interested in taking part in this then please pm me with the following information:

    1) Character name & IRC name
    2) Template. Please give specific skill values.
    3) Stats
    4) PvP experience level
    5) Timezone and hours/days you play.

    I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. If you've ever thought about PvP now is the best time to get involved!


    P*U FAQ

    I'm embarrassed that I don't know how to PvP/Suck at PvP...will you make fun of me?
    It will be a judgement free zone for you to develop in. Grunting is allowed.

    Will I be looted if I die in training?
    No you will not be looted by a guildmate. Anyone caught looting will be killed, looted and kicked from the guild.

    When will classes start?
    To be announced. Normally we will being active training in just a couple weeks time from announcing enrollment to allow for people to sign up. If we have many people who have no knowledge of Razor or setting up hotkeys, those people will have a starter class before we get into training.

    Does this cost anything?
    There is no cost to join the university. You will however be required to supply your own weapons, armor, reagents, potions, etc... so there is a cost to participation in that sense.

    How serious is this training?
    Dead serious. But we can have fun at the same time. Jackassery however will not be tolerated so if you are disruptive you will get the boot.

    Will this make me a great PvPer?
    Absolutely not. This is designed to get your comfortable with PvP and take you to a certain level that I would call "proficient", meaning you should be at least average when you are ready to graduate. From there it will be on you to continue to develop your skillset and become great.

    So after graduation....what then?
    You will graduate with pride (nothing else, there is no certificate or diploma) and be ready to take on what you want to do in this virtual world. We will try to help with Guild Placement if you so wish, or you are more than welcome to become a staff member to assist in future training.

    I applied previously and was not accepted, what gives?
    Space is limited but it is not on a first come first serve basis. I hand select people to get accepted based on available times to train, how far along their templates are, what kind of template they are using, and experience level with UO. If you did not get accepted previously, keep working that character and keep applying!
    Ruck, Hadrian, Raajaton and 7 others like this.
  2. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    @Marius may help you out some..
  3. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    STAVROGIN likes this.
  4. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Added Marius's actual forum account. The other was not actually him
  5. .:.

    .:. Member

    Aug 7, 2018
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    Definitely want to participate in this. Really I'm into any type of player ran game content, but this particularly. I've just been learning little PvP bits here and there from Pill and others.
  6. Feudal

    Feudal Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 13, 2018
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    Looking forward!
  7. Hadrian

    Hadrian Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Alas, discord and irc.
    I'll change my ways back eventually, though im missing out on this.
  8. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Sign up ends midnight EST Tuesday September 11. If you have not private messaged me to sign up, you are not signed up. If you have messaged me you should have received an acknowledgement reply, if not then let me know.
  9. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Registration is closed. Acceptance/Rejection letters will be sent soon with details for orientation day.

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