Guild: Orx ub Xor [ORX] Status: Active WAR Looting: We have a no looting agreement with ORX Magery: Some ORX members may be casters. If you encounter one alone and do not have resist / balanced stats, best to run away or get reinforcements Rules of Engagement: ORX members usually demand tribute before attacking. I recommend issuing a threat rather than approaching as kill on sight. Sphere of Influence: ORX members are usually to be found near the Yew and Cove orc forts.
I have a question about Orx and the chaos/order system. Yesterday I was hidden and watched Xor escort an npc out of Cove he may have been doing this relating to his chaos affiliation. I attacked him and did not realize that he was not orange for some reason. I was flagged criminal for attacking. He then became orange again shortly after that. Is there a mechanic with the order and chaos system that can cause them not to be orange to us? Just curious as I am new to the guild war and order chaos system. Thanks