Ultima Online: Lost and Found

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by PaddyOBrien, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    I love this post so much!
    Every time I stumble on old references that ring a bell. I see a few peoples from Chesapeak Paxlair but it has been so long I forgot all the names... So I googled around and found this : https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...ories-from-paxlair-amp-chesapeake-shard.1865/

    I am so surprised to find Winfield in there! With a whole bunch of nice links for anyone who participated back in 98-2000 and want to get a nice nostalgic feeling.

    If anyone from the Caitiff (undead faction) ever read this it would be really great to talk to you again!

    Anyone else I forgot the names im so sorry! Back then I was Random Of Amber, Knight of Paxlair who has been corrupted by a dark lich and turned into a vampire. We had so many wars against Paxlair, teamed with the Orcs. The fights would happen at the new Orc Fort Nerull built on here.

    I have played Atlantic and Abyss test server afterward as Darkshadow.

    Vlar! :)
  2. Malcom X

    Malcom X New Member

    Jul 2, 2017
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    And you forget your bud Malcom X :) Mr. Jones Crack Pipe
  3. Malcom X

    Malcom X New Member

    Jul 2, 2017
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    Forget me So Quickly! Malcom X Crack Pipe Mr. Jones
  4. Surfrats

    Surfrats Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Hi all -

    Former Chessy player here. Played from ~2000 to 2005 or so. My chars were -

    Mr. Nick - Peace tamer. Slayer of many thousands of blood elementals.
    Cowface - My original mage. Did lots of silly things on this char.
    Eat Big Olaf - Dexxer that I used to try to PVP (on dial-up no less)
    Tito Puente - Mule. Sat at Brit Smithy a lot.

    I still remember just about all the folks I was friendly with. Hoping to find the time to come back and play on this shard.
  5. The Watch

    The Watch Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2013
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    I went to the SotA link and it was like a blast from the past. I saw a few people mention Heartkin and SxC. I was a member of both. The Heartkin/Silvervale era was probably the pinnacle of RP on Chessy, in my opinion. At least it was at the time I played (98-05). Lots of very good memories from that period.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. Bluecrush

    Bluecrush Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Just ran into this and thought it was pretty cool. I actually read this whole thread and thought i would share also.

    Great Lakes from early t2a to about 3 or so months after carebear land.

    Tutamarot Sprito/Tank mage
    6x hally mage with 90s resist

    Karnal Lanier/Fighter mage
    7x macing, tactics, anatomy, healing, wrestling, magery, resist.

    I played 85 to 90 percent of my time on tutamarot and was a huge house killer/recruiter. Also was big into killing people in wind with precast and insta hit. Was my favorite place to pk. On karnal i spent my last bit of time playing only as a red character. Lived in a small house on occlo north of town. Was fighting people pretty much everyday till i finally quit.

    Players United by Sex

    This was my guild and had it about a year before they caught on and made my stone unusable. Weird thing was they didnt delete it just took it off my steps and moved it behind my house. Everyone was still in it and had titles but i couldnt access anything. All my guild mates had funny titles. Like - cant get no pus, big d*** in pus, stinky pus, hairy pus and so on. I had so many of them lol.

    People i knew.
    Katie, jeff, will, 2 matts, joe, jake, mike, brad and so many more. I never called anyone i played with by there characters names so i have forgotten most of them. It would be cool to run into someone here that knows or remembers me.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  7. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Started playing UO on Drachenfels summer of 2000, didn't know about pings then so I pinged 350 plus...
    Then after a few months of that I moved to Siege Perilous, I pinged low and enjoyed the game much more.
    My first character....

    Tolliver Quick - Was a decent all around pvper
    Darkness - was born on AOS and ran around 1 shotting people with the Axe of the Heavens
    Cheapsuit - was the most murderous bastard known to man who was a stealth fencer/poisoner (my personal favorite)
    Made in Japan - My crafter and populated the world with many fine weapons and such.
    (Thief character) No one knows.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  8. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Also had a pretty infamous Thief, but I never reveal the names of my thieves.
  9. Mozz Hexor

    Mozz Hexor Member

    Oct 15, 2017
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    I remember some of these Catskills names being tossed around!

    Played(lived) on Catskills from 97' until 2007 or so regularly. I tried to come back a few times after that but just not the same.
    My main characters were:
    Mozz Hexor-Bard/Mage(Main)
    Hojo Ironfist(GM Smith)
    Rill Swiftarrow(tamer)
    Was a member of HDA(Holy Disciples of Ammeron) We had a tower at the bottom of the peninsula east of Brittain with a White Wyrm in it for training. Our leader was Porthos(Cats first 7xGM) After about 2 years he grew tired of the game and gave the account to me. I sold it for him on ebay and got the tower out of the deal.
    Also:(Bought this account from a guy leaving the game within the first year)
    MinerVvV (GM Smith)
    Jofa(PVP Mage)
    We turned HDA into HOS, Scarlet Order of Hospitallers a small guild with some success and had a solid group.
    A few solid members I recall were
    Davey Jones
    I mostly played Mozz and barded my brains out in T2A and Destard. Made a fortune smithing with Hojo and MinerVvV. I was one of those smiths at the Britt forge killing it. Did some PVP with Micajah, Jofa and Mozz. Great memories of epic battles at Terra Keep with hordes of reds and then at the champ spawns. To imagine we started playing all of this on dial up!
    I had a grandfathered account with the 5 houses all in premium spots. One on the East side of Dagger Isle outside the large cave, the Tower, an Occlo town house, Fire Island house South of the Temple and another mining house. My son who was around eight placed a house on Pacific and caused all of my houses to decay. Of course EA would do nothing. That was pretty much the end for me.

    Look forward to adventuring with some of you soon!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
    The Watch likes this.
  10. Quint

    Quint New Member

    Oct 27, 2017
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    I was in GH on Pac! Also Clan Blood, another one I can't remember but had a character named Psych Professor in it.

    My Characters:
    Omnicrone XXX
    Don Colosimo
    John Dillinger (disarm thief)
    Rocky (just my miner / blacksmith, started at mines north of Brit, west of despise)

    As a total newbie I was in StS. I remember nose goblin, rebirth of cool, Gilgamesh at Brit GY, some guy at the mines north of Brit from Santa Barbara, CA, Hell Monger.
    Pedigar likes this.
  11. mojo

    mojo Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    What a cool thread. As a new guy here here’s mine
    Pacific early on ‘til spirit speak stuff.

    Sassy MoJo
    Redman MoJo
    Foxy MoJo
    Don’t remember 5th

    Foxy MoJo prob most known. She was always at Brit Smith hawking “Free Repairs”

    Recognized some names back through here. Memories.
    Used to run with a character called “Afk”. Good times.
  12. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Never saw this thread until now. I will chime in.

    My brother and I, as well as a close friend, played Baja from roughly 1998-2003.

    My main characters were:

    Mordant Debauch - PvP mage. Mostly factions, Com
    Dark Mason - crafter
    Thaerek - PvP dexer. Spent some time in a warring guild called DJs. When they disbanded, I can't remember what guild I joined.

    Having a hard time remembering the other chars. I had a tamer that I never really used. Couple other mages, but didn't use them much either.

    Fun fact: Met my wife on UO. That was 15 years ago, in 2002-2003. We have been together ever since. Have 3 kids.
    Kiryana, Player X and mojo like this.
  13. Player X

    Player X Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
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    I’d like to hear more about this! How old were you both? Did you live near each other or travel to meet up IRL?
  14. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I lived in British Columbia, Canada. She lived in California.

    I was 19. She was 28.

    After taking a few trips down to visit, I realized that one of us would have to move to make things work. It made more sense for me to move, since she had 2 kids from a prior relationship.

    So I moved from BC to CA with a suitcase full of clothes and a guitar. Lol. True story.
    Kiryana, Player X, Creager and 4 others like this.
  15. Salick

    Salick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jul 13, 2018
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    I was GL 98-00 and Ronald McDonald is the only char I can ever remember as well :) when I would see that Neón-red speed-hacking psycho run across the screen, I knew I was in trouble.
    Factions kept my interest my final few months.
    Gold duping lead to pay-to-win, and ultimately wrecked that shard.
  16. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Ahhahahah I remember you man!
    Was part of RiP - Satan's Shadow Reapers and Ran vendors at Bears west of Minoc xD
  17. PhireHawk

    PhireHawk New Member

    Oct 18, 2018
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    PhireHawk Lake Superior 99-03ish. Was doing a google search and came across this, havent played an MMO like UO since. Had alot of good times in C*G and CG2 . I Invented the guard wall blocked in by vendors. Ran CoM for a few months when factions arrived.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  18. PhireHawk

    PhireHawk New Member

    Oct 18, 2018
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    lost touch with most when ICQ died
    The Watch and Hydrox like this.
  19. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    we all did bro...
    The Watch and PhireHawk like this.
  20. Knightmare

    Knightmare Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    NAPA VALLEY- I remember Loretta ,NaS and Wicked...did Wicked role with TwiztiD I remember one of them as a macer my Napa chars were Smoker/GHOSTFACE-KILLAH/Violent DoZa of The DoZa Clan I was also in Green Army with The Boogey Man,was friends with Warmonger , Martyr Bloody Mary/Bloodlust, WARLOCK, D'eth, ave-k VII,CRAZYkingJAY main enemy was HKJOHN
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018

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