Just a man - village of Paws

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by VoP Historian, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. VoP Historian

    VoP Historian New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Aeritas' horse gave a snort as the man approached. It was only on rare occasions that they entered this far in the city limits, mainly to avoid the droves of those looking for a hand-out. Yet there was something about today that compelled him to venture to the bank of west Britain-or more directly something that led Hokey. His valiant steed was as stubborn as a Yew oak-stump, and when Hokey was determined he had no choice but to follow.

    "pardon me sire, have you a moment to hear the request of a traveler new to this realm?"

    Aeritas nodded and already began preparing an apologetic reply of "sorry, silver and gold have I none", but the strangers request took him by surprise.
    "do you know if the village of Paws still stands? If so would you be willing to provide an armed escort? I have coin that I can provide upon safe arrival."

    "aye I have heard of Paws, but I know not if it still stands," Aeritas was now
    intrigued by the man's demeanor, and replied with a question of his own, "tell me, can you ride...." He left an intentional silence hanging for the stranger to provide his name.

    "The name is Catalin, and yes I believe I can manage."

    "very well, I am called Aeritas, and you've just procured and armed guard for your journey."

    1 Just a Man001.jpg
    - ----------
    they traveled for several days in a southerly direction from the wheat fields of Britain with very little conversation. Catalin stopped abruptly, "we shall set camp here for the night. Tomorrow we will reach Paws."

    A campfire was quickly alight, and scarcely had the flames glow reached out that Aeritas felt a distinct calm. He felt he could trust this stranger even though all his past experience in this harsh land had given him little reason to trust anyone aside from himself and Hokey.

    "master Aeritas, might I ask from whence you hail?" Catalin's request for information seemed so inviting.

    "Just Aeritas if you please. And for these past many years the open skies and the deep woodlands have been my home, but truth be told my bloodline is of the stalwart Yewman from the north."

    "very, well," Catalin accepted Aeritas' humility with grace, "you shall hence forth be known as Aeritas the Just! The honest Yewman who is a forever a friend welcomed in Paws."

    The fates were indeed kind this night. A favor which Catalin hoped the would continue.

    2 Just a Man002.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
    Dun Scaith likes this.
  2. VoP Historian

    VoP Historian New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I am uncertain of the literacy rate that exists in this iteration of the realm of Sosaria.

    So, for those who are unable to comprehend text written in the common tongue, I have enlisted the services of a master artist to depict certain tales.

    (if I must say he does capture the figures of Catalin and Aeritas almost with perfection!)

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