There have been a strong gathering of people brainstorming ideas that are creating a storyline to start from. We currently are 5-7 strong, getting to 7-10 would be great. We will be starting out as a traveling society working together to form a strong community. To form any long lasting community you need to maintain a strong economic presence. We hope to get to a point where we only buy from one another with in this community. To do so we need resources and craftsman to help shape these resources into a work of progress for the community. Skills Needed: - Craftsman skills - Combative Craftsman (Example: Blacksmith/Mining/Mace/Tact/Anat/Heal, Carpenter/Lumber/Sword/Tact/Anat/Heal, Mage/Scribe, etc.) - Combative Resource Gathers (Be able to hold your own and gather resources, ore, lumber, etc.) Other Skills: - Combative Mage or Priest (mage/eval/med, etc.) - Scout (Stealth Archer) All characters are available to join regardless of skill set. The reason these skills are broadcasted is to achieve our economic goal. We would like to become a fully self sufficient community. The Idea would be to only buy items from your merchants and you don't have to be a craftsman to be a merchant (explained shortly). To add to this, adventurers (those who PvM) would sell unwanted items, to craftsmen that have the skill of that item or merchants. For example, If I am a fencer and i find a item that i can not use i would sell that to a merchant so he can sell to a fencer needing that item. So you're now thinking well why can't the fencer adventure be a merchant and sell to whoever. Well you can but here is where the structure to our community comes in to play. Each character can pick a Primary and Secondary position. A position is a title of a few branches of the community. Although in the starting stages there is only one branch available which is the citizen branch. You may pick two of these categories listed. Citizens Branch: - Adventurer - Merchant - Craftsman (multiple craftsman abilities) - Town Crier - Cook - Bartender/Waitress/Waiter - Fishermen - Hunter - Blacksmith, Carpenter, Alchemist etc. - Citizen (commoner, retired, etc.) As the community grows and actions are made internally and externally branches may be added as well as tittles. To recap on our first update of a bases for our beginning and the start of a great storyline. We are looking to grow this community into a strong economy. We will be roaming the land and visiting cities as we harvest the areas we travel in. We will set up outpost as funds come in and there is a need. We have an area to retreat to and where the stone will be. We will still be placing houses in areas we are traveling to if space is available. We will hold marketplaces and meetings in cities we are near at the time. We accept new characters you must RP (don't talk out of character, act a "fool", and have a decent attire and name). Anyone can create a event at this starting stage of the guild (resource gather, hunts, market day, etc.) There are so many brainstormed ideas for the future but we need to focus on a basic ground work first. Bring everyone in game as we bring everyone in an OOC sense helps this actually feel like a new starting society. Once there is a strong economic backbone different plots and situations will cause other areas of this community to spark and grow. A in game official start will happen most like next weekend. We do have characters in game and communicating already so you can join the push at anytime. If you have any questions or concerns please message me. Some things may be placed in the future and i can't respond on as much. You can also find us on IRC #UOR-RP
When and where I can I'll participate in this. I know you need more commitment than that, but I just am not able to log in that much, but when I do log in, i'll see out some UO-RP'ers. Jupiter has always been focused on collecting scrolls and trinkets. So if you have such things I will always buy them from your group. I will try to find you in game anytime I can and obtain such scrolls. "Sometimes the most common of objects can lead to extraordinary adventures" - Jupiter Greystone
As said before my only concern is missing out, i am in EU timezone. Nymeros is wandering about the world, doing various jobs (now a small clerk in Royal Bank of Trinsic) collecting information on various topics so any tomes are useful to him, in his studies in the Art. He has been recently contacted by a friend regarding moving to Deluccia in search of a rare ore spoken by the locals. This man in green has taken his pack horse Yuk with him on this endeavour. Yuk is seen carrying various leathers, reagents and boards, which can make one assume this man in green has more craftsman skills than just a smith in training. A red haired fisher is spotted alongside Skara Brae docks. This man is said to be buying rotting fish and pouring various potions to the fish he buys to make their scent disappear then cook them to sell to people very cheaply. Local authorities tried to catch this man to identify what he's up to however, he is very well disciplined in evading sight and keeping sure his tracks are lost. He is called "Redhair" by the locals for identification.
While about his patrol in Occlo, Victor Magnus did notice a curios pile of fish stacked by the moongate. He failed to mention it in his report, considering a random act of littering. But with this added information, I believe he shall now keep an eye out for this Red Herring....
Some updates that I think are due: 1-) We have our log cabin, under construction but it is there. It's at the entrance of the cape to the west. The log cabin will be used for few purposes. These are - Barracks (entrance floor will have bedrolls) for people without houses. - Storage (1st floor) and a mini hall. - Watch tower: Thanks to @Rex we built a crude watch tower and i placed a vendor on top of it who will be our watcher, named Ardeth.Ardeth is employed approximately 350gp per day so we need funding for his services. To raise the gold, i added few items i am willing to part, and i encourage people who are willing to buy them to buy them (I put them cheap!). All the gold that we raise will go to Ardeth's wages. If you are willing to part with some items (or a better word, donate) give them to me and i can give it to Ardeth for others to buy. - Vendor: Vendor will be selling items donated by other players to raise fund for the guild and maintenance. (we have 2 vendors (Ardeth and our tavern keeper) that needs paying around 600 gp per day) 2-) Storage. Because this deserves its own. I will be stacking few chests for storage purposes. I see 3 chests for beginning. I will try to get coloured ones so it's obvious which one is which. You are free to donate gold or other resources. - Gold or Platinum. I plan to provide wages once we have a healthy economy, but this needs adequate resources from players during hunts. - Raw Resources (ingots, boards, feathers, leathers) - Combative Resources (potions, arrows, bandages) 3-) Activities. Airk is going to run a Yew Crypt run this weekend, which he can communicate through IRC or guildchat. I won't be there (my girlfriend is visiting me so i can't play UO when she is there and i haven't seen her for a month). If someone writes a report, story that'd be great. We should finish all community activities with a report. 4-) Roster. Send me your character info to update the roster. See I've written the format, so send me a PM here and i can update it. 5-) Guild IRC channel. Join #PoB for guild-only chatter. I am keeping #UOR-RP and #PoB separate.