Disco Inferno - Discordance / Enticement Script Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Codus, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Do you hate how much HP that monster has? Do you really wish your dragons would gain skills faster. Do you think peacemaking was only good for that first peace-dexxer toon and that provo is overrated and overused? Then Discordance is for you!

    Now the thing with Disco, just like the music, is how much of a pain it is. Once a creature has been successfully discorded, you must be out of range or hidden for some time for the effect to wear off. This guide will not really cover the skill thresh holds and which monsters to train on, though I will say what I did. The main reason I am writing this guide is to show you a helpful series of scripts that I made.

    Scripts you say? But I like macros. Well, you are wrong. The power of this set of scripts is that due the stacking nature, you maximize the amount of time spent discoing and reduce the amount of unnecessary hiding.

    Things you will need:
    1) Lots of the same instruments. For this guide I use drums but you can use anything.
    2) Lots of things to discord. The more the merrier as the more targets means the more attempts prior to downtime hiding.
    3) A house which you are friended - This give you a hiding success chance 100% even with zero skill in hiding

    The goal of the script:
    What we are doing is attempting to discord a target over and over until succeeding before moving to the next target. Only once you have successfully discorded the final target will you hide, maximizing the time spent at the disco and reducing the time spent hiding. No disco gains if you arn't dancing.

    Scripts in general:
    I know it may be scary moving from macro's to scripts. But its not that far away... literally, the tab is right next to it.

    And before we get too far along, to avoid some frustration, click on "options" and make sure to check "Auto-save when script editor loses focus". I have lost quite a bit of work before I either remembered to hit save manually or found this option.

    The SCRIPT:
    Now for the reason you are even reading this. I present the scripts. Each script corresponds to a single target and moves to the next upon success. It is important to name them the same as I have, or for the more adventurous, understand how to modify the script itself.

    Script 1) Name this script "Disco 1"
    Quick note here - if you are not using drums like I am, please use the >hue command to figure out the item ID of the instruments you have and replace the '3740' in the dclicktype command to your relevant item ID. This way when you break your lute from rocking out too hard, you will automatically pick up the next one.

    Script 2 - Script 2nd to Last) Name this one "Disco 2".
    Take a moment to look at the script real fast. I'm trying to teach ya something, not just spoon feed you macros. You will notice, all I have done between Disco 1 and Disco 2 is changed my target from 'a' to 'b' and the lines that said "script ' Disco 2'" to 'Disco 3'. This will now try and discord the 2nd target over and over and move onto the 3rd script upon success or if for some reason the creature was already discorded. Lets say you had 5 targets.... Discord 1 - 4 would be this same pattern. Progressively increasing both your target and the next script. The next and final script is what ties this whole thing together.

    The final script - Name this in line with the sequence above. For our mini 5-target example I would call this "Disco 5" however you can have any number of targets. If you had 20 then 1 -19 should look like above but 20 should be this! This is how the final script should look no matter how many you had prior (updating for your target variable). For our example, we are 5 targets in so we use 'e'. :
    Looking at our final script, the key here is that upon success or noticing the target was also discorded, we hide for 17 seconds to time out the disco lights on the targets and then we loop back to our first target starting the process all over.

    The Variables:
    The final, and critically important, things to do would be setting our variable targets. Our scripts are looking to target 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', and 'e'. Remember when we went to the options tab for "auto saving", head back there.

    Click Add and select your first target. Name it "a". Rinse and repeat for all targets. In our example, we did it 5 times.


    Now, if you head back to scripts and hit run - you should have the DISCO FEVER!

    The next steps:
    When you are ready for your next tier of monster, updating this is as as easy as "retargeting" the variables. Additionally, say you found another target to add to the rotation or lost a target that needs to be removed that's easy too. Remember the last script needs to include the Hide and reference loop back to the first. The amount in the middle doesn't matter so long as they feed into the next script sequentially.

    As far as targeted skill ranges I can only say what I did. I do not endorse these monsters or claim it to be the most effecient however hopefully it starts as a base for someone:
    0-30) Purchased
    30 - 60) Scorpions
    60 - 80) Wisps
    80 - GM) Dragons and Mares

    What you'll notice is my targets were either tamed or neutral as discordance is not a threating act.

    Final Thoughts:
    I am sure that my script is not Min-Maxed time efficient. Maybe the skill time out for Discordance is 11.8 and not 12... I didn't care but feel free to tweak and impove and report results. I found this to be the best way to maximize my attempts on a monster without waiting 17 seconds every other attempt for the hiding time out. Hope this helps someone and see you on the dance floor.


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    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    Lunzignanti, RunawaySky and Kiryana like this.
  2. Lunzignanti

    Lunzignanti New Member

    May 8, 2022
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    Seems like now hiding is sort of disabled if 10 paces near enticed(even as a friend/co-owner/owner). However still, this script remains AMAZING.
    Get in a house that lets you walk away at least 10 paces and wait '16000' then walk back. Jam a door open with a stool if you have to.
    • Only edit made: Remove hiding command line & swap it for walking-waiting-returning.
    Codus likes this.

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