Avery, this morning, while at the bank, a piece of parchment nailed on the wall caught my eye. Upon closer inspection it appeared to be a wanted poster for the orc Muguk. Despite the numerous warnings of caution, pride got the better of me and I traveled alone south of Yew to look for the orc. I flew the "Order of the Skull" guild tag high above my head and marched directly into the fort, knowing the orcs would know better then to so much as LOOK aggressively at a member of such an elite guild. The Bloodclan, no doubt influenced by Muguk, forgot their place in Sosaria and wasted little time in tearing me off my mount and killing me AND my beloved nightmare. Frankly I am furious. My guild tag was clearly showing, what nerve the Bloodclan have under their new leader that they would dare attack a member of O^S? *Slams fist on the table* Avery, we cannot let the Bloodclan get away with this. What say thee?
This is serious business here. We don't take this type of thing lightly. We'll need to rally the troops!!
* The faint smell of blood still lingers in the air, in the distance war drums sound* Idz abowt skah'n Tyme... HOOOOWAH BLOODCLAN! DEFF TU AWL HUMMIES!!