2020 Renaissance House Decor Contest | July 20th to August 21st

Discussion in 'Archived Top Shots Contests' started by ReZon, Jul 20, 2020.

  1. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Submissions will be accepted until August 21st. Voting will take place from August 22nd to August 28th.

    There will be 5 categories to choose from
    • Best Decorated Massive House
      Includes: Fortress, Castle, Small Keep, Large Keep
      Note: Make sure to post a variety of pictures of all decorated areas of the house. Include descriptions for themed areas.
    • Best Decorated Large House
      Includes: Tower, Large Marble Patio, 2 Story House, Large patio, Large Brick
    • Best Decorated Medium House
      Includes: Sandstone, Log Cabin, Villa
    • Best Decorated Small House
      Includes: Marble Shop, Stone Shop, Small Houses, Small Tower, Etc
    • Most Unique Design Element
      Note: Custom Fighting Pit, Hot Tub, Piano, Tree or otherwise illustration of player creativity belongs in this category

    The Rules
    • Post pictures in this thread of your house, make sure to indicate which categories you are entering next to each picture of set of pictures.
    • Make sure to keep all your pictures for each entry in a single post.
      Note: Make sure to check the section below on the best method to attach an image. 1
    • The higher the resolution the better. (Avoid using razor screenshots, as they are low quality)
    • Any pictures posted between now and August 21st, 2020 will be considered for judging.
      Note: Make sure to post a variety of pictures of all decorated areas of the house in the event of larger houses.
    • On August 22nd, 2020 all of the entries will be posted here in a thread for each category.
    • Players will be able to vote once each category for their top 3 entries.
    • For your vote to count you must have an established forum account.
    • Player votes will account for 50% of the score, with staff voting accounting for the other 50%.
    • On August 29th, 2020 the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each category will be announced.
      Note: Should you have trouble taking screenshots of your house post the location of the house here and the staff will assist you.

    The Prizes
    • All entrants will have their pictures and house included in the Renaissance Compendium, searchable by their name.
    • 1st place in each category will also get a 20 charge furniture dye tub and 20 Platinum.
    • 2nd Place in each category will get a 2nd place trophy and a 15 charge furniture dye tub and 15 platinum.
    • 3rd Place in each category will get a trophy a 10 charge furniture dye tub and 10 platinum.
    • Honorable Mentions will receive a 5 charge furniture dye tub.
      Note: Prizes subject to change if staff come up with better ideas.

    How to Post a Screenshot
    • While ingame hit alt + printscreen.
    • Open Microsoft Paint
    • Select Paste or hit Control + V
    • Select the game window or the area you wish to include.
    • Select the crop option.
    • Save the images as a .jpg file.
    • Uploading the file to your forum post as an attachment using the "Upload a File Option"
    • Include the file as a thumbnail (not a full image) in your post by clicking the thumbnail button.
    • If you need additional assistance feel free to contact the Renaissance staff.

    To get some ideas make sure to check out our past house decorating contests. Or simply search on the website for keyword "decor"
    1st Renaissance House Decor Contest
    2nd Renaissance House Decor Contest
    3rd Renaissance House Decor Contest
    2015 Renaissance House Decor Contest - 2015 Compendium House Decor Entries
    2016 Renaissance House Decor Contest - 2016 Compendium House Decor Entries
    2017 Renaissance House Decor Contest
    2018 Renaissance House Decor Contest
    2019 Renaissance House Decor Contest
    AlexCCCP, Snorko, Jill Stihl and 8 others like this.
  2. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Well, first time I take part of this event :) - I'll start with my Small Tower that won't be modified any further and hopefully i'll be able to finish my Large Tower before August 22nd. So...

    SMALL HOUSE ENTRY - Small Stone Tower

    After travelling through the deep and humid jungle surrounding Trinsic, we arrive to the tower. We leave behind the menace of the dreadly Silver Serpents and we step inside the Crafter's Home that stands on a clear corridor by the mountain.

    We first take a look to where the action takes places: the workshop in the 2nd story. Lightened by the warm torches we are soon surrounded by all type of crafts. Bulk orders come and go on swiftly in this tiny, yet productive space. This crafter is a man of simple fashion. He doesn't hoards any big fortune, he doesn't posses any big value, but he's happy with the simple things he managed to acquired, and shows them proudly.

    SSTpost3.png sstpost5.png

    We continue our tour downstairs where we find another side of this man molded by the fire, the forges, the loom and the hammers.
    We discover a sensitive one, an artist, a man that isn't afraid of showing his fragility...a Rockstar!
    He will lay down for hours at that long stonesofa to rock his harps. He will sit down and write some hits while eating detox fruits and only the Purveyor of Darkness know what kind of fancy costumes that wardrobe hides.


    But not everything is hectic in this stone world. Customers, papparazzis, beggars, warriors, thieves... you need a brake from them all once in a while.
    So he worked on this safe space, a moment to connect with yourself and the universe. To gaze the stars hanging from the void above us, or spot the papparazzis hidding on the jungle. This craftman enjoys cooking for his friends and he also grows some grapes to make exquisit wines. He also leaves some unwashed dishes, but hey...


    And so the tour ends. Thanks for watching UO:R Cribs, now get biten by a Silver Serpent.
    NCCML, Sapukay, Hollywood and 10 others like this.
  3. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    My end game complex!

    Large House entry - Breteyne Tower

    Let's start at the first floor; visitors must be allowed to pass by the fierce guardian Gamayun and cool their heels at the reception holding pen.
    The 1st floor is the utilitarian area - the stable containing the owner's prize miniature horse Lucky Charms, exercise paddock, crafting area, rest area, and beyond the arch a small treasure room.
    tower1stfloorpaddock.png I JUST cleaned up your poop!

    tower1stfloorcrafter.png So many BODs, so few resources. For fun, a little hatchet-throwing.

    tower1stfloortreasureroom.png Be fruitful, and multiply

    Next we view the 2nd floor owner's suite

    It may look a bit cluttered, but everything needed to craft the finest threads is within reach.
    tower2ndfloorsewingroom.png I do toil, and definitely spin.

    The master (and only) bedroom and ensuite bath. The owner's favorite Trammel are displayed on custom shelves.
    tower2ndfloorbedroom.png Getting ready early for Thanksgiving.

    The bathroom has a color-coordinated throne, relaxing tub, decadent treats within reach, and the obligatory aquarium housing the smallest big fish caught, five stones.

    Special guests are allowed onto the third floor.
    The private picture and sculpture gallery of the owner's distinguished ancestors, den, and kitchen are located here.

    Arr, rememberin' days of me plunderin' past what helped build this tower. *ptoo*
    Complete with the skulls of mine enemies defeated to serve as a warning to those who would think to cheat at cards or chess.

    tower3rdfloordining.png Don't turn up your nose; only the finest exotic meat, wine, and sides are served from this kitchen.

    When the weather is fine, friends and family take the air on the roof. The clear mountain stream creates a well-stocked rivulet, over which the owner installed a small fishing pier and decorative bridge. Relax on fine cushions on the lush lawn while taking in fruit, wine, and melodic harp strains.

    However, the water to the east appears to be suffering from a miasma emanating from nearby; or is it vice versa?

    We will have to explore the dwelling next door to determine where the corruption is originating.

    Til then, this concludes the tour of Breteyne Tower.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
    NCCML, gitchu1000, AnadeLour and 19 others like this.
  4. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    Small House entry - Imperial Chapel

    Welcome, welcome. Be sure to leave your donation in the box by the door.
    What deity do we honor here? Let's just say that we love what we do and who we serve. Isn't that right Cupid?

    Make ready the offering. Blood is best.
    I shall beat and stoke the flames to raise the entity who may grant your deepest, darkest wish.

    The Master has heard your pleas. Ascend if you dare to the next stage.
    Ah, the altar of Lust. Let us make ourselves ready . . .
    sst2ndfloorwhip.png Hit me baby one more time.
    sst2ndfloorbed.png Shall we make ourselves comfortable?
    Eat your heart out.

    You wish to continue? Are you positive you wish to find out where this path will take you? Well, if you must.

    Ungoverned passions inevitably poison and corrupt everything and everyone in the vicinity if warnings are disregarded.

    It turns what was pure into burning acid.

    Our symbol of this evil, an enormous bird of prey, ferociously mangles the latest victim. The bones of past fools serves as its bed.

    And it is always thirsty for more blood. The more heated and wild, the tastier.

    Judging from your performance, you will certainly be delicious.

    Thank you for making your offering to our chapel in advance, and for offering yourself as yet another warning to the unwary neophyte.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
  5. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    Most Unique Design Element



    Rooftop [Poisoned] Paradise
    pathway and bridge,
    and the perilous poisoned water
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
  6. Tabby

    Tabby Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    SMALL HOUSE ENTRY- Small Stone Tower
    Proudly presenting: The (unfinished) Pickled Dolphin

    First off, outside. We all need a farm. Lamb taste wells, and hey - wool is handy for nets! By the way, nobody likes that boat there Ron, give back my parking lot!


    Moving on inside, what is to expect? Like I said, the house is under construction. Where the first floor will be a more Fishermen Tavern theme, right now it's still set up as a workshop (gotta craft my toons as Im new!):


    Second floor of the tavern is ready. Will soon be set up with either a barkeeper or player vendor, depending on ho much shiny pixels I can find. Im giving you my kitchen & bar:


    Onwards to the roof! We need a space to store fishing loot and cook our fishsteaks. It's a work in progress, but I like how it's getting along myself.

  7. lawn elder

    lawn elder Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Can I submit just a design element? Does it need to be part of a whole house? I'd like to submit my gradient rune library but I have whole bare rooms in my house still.
  8. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    Pretty sure you can submit just a design element @lawn elder, since it has its own category in the contest.
    TheNooNoo and Kiryana like this.
  9. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Yep, just submit in the unique design category.
  10. lawn elder

    lawn elder Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2019
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    I present for you consideration for the most unique design element:

    The double inverse gradient rune library

    Lawn Elder_Unknown_7-21_18.22 (2).jpg
  11. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Small House Entry
    Azoth's Museum Arboretum

    Set in the tranquil woods of Ocllo, this potting shed proudly displays the plants of the realm in the hydroponic tubs. Bunny Snacks are available for the wildlife... A doe has wandered into the picture for a quick nibble
    DecoContest Arboretum.JPG

    On the second floor, we have the potting bench with fertilizer & rare BlackRock fragment for the cultivation of hybrid plants...
    DecoContest Arboretum2.JPG

    Stop by and enjoy the tranquil setting of the Arboretum
  12. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Small House Category Entry:
    Azoth's Crafting Annex

    On the main floor we have the forge with precious ores and gems from around the lands. Tokens of defeated Earth spirits adorn the forge along with the actual ore cart used to transport these goods to the museum. You can find the rewards of Filling the Bulk Orders of the lands adorning the main floor, from the complete collection of crafting anvils to the rarest of Runic Smithing Hammers

    DecoContest Smithy.JPG

    This annex is still expanding and hunting for the rarest of Tailoring rewards for the second floor. Here we have accumulated raw materials, finished goods hanging from the walls along with the most rare - Phoenix Armor
    DecoContest Smithy2.JPG
  13. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Medium House Entry

    The Famous Azoth's Museum and Library - this collection has a years long storied past, with many starts and stops over the years. Now under new management, the Collection is now open to pubic viewing as it was meant to be...

    Each piece has a story, and long history over the years. Major Patrons of the museum are memorialized on the plaque out front. Stop by and peruse these rarities at your leasure.

    The first floor is THE most complete collection of rare tomes in the land...
    DecoContest AZM.JPG

    The second floor holds wonders to amaze and the largest Alchemy collection in the lands...
    DecoContest AZM2.JPG
  14. Tabby

    Tabby Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2020
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    The the bucket of veggies and the minecart, how do we obtain those? Nice collection!
  15. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
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    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Veggies from this past easter event. Minecart is a Server Birth Rare
  16. lawn elder

    lawn elder Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2019
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    @LanDarr, epic work man. I LOVE the arboretum.
  17. Jill Stihl

    Jill Stihl Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Category : Best Decorated Small House

    Stihl Mining -

    Yew Mine 01.jpg

    Accommodation for the occasional weekend mining trip -

    Yew Mine 02.jpg

    Bit of roof fishing relaxation -

    Yew Mine 03.jpg

    Obligatory night time shot -

    Yew Mine 04.jpg

  18. Jill Stihl

    Jill Stihl Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Category : Best Decorated Medium House

    Trinsic Trammel -

    Trin Tram 02.jpg

    I'm probably why you can't find a verite chest -

    Trin Tram 01.jpg

    I also have a roof! -

    Trin Tram 03.jpg

    Illuminations -

    Trin Tram 04.jpg

  19. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Most Unique Design Element

    UOR Castle Moat - Always a work in progress, but until Copper Moats are here (soonTM) this will suffice
    Castle Moat.JPG
  20. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Most Unique Design Element

    UOR Fishing Pond
    Fishing Pond.JPG

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