This guide will cover common templates used in PvP. While it does not cover every template that can be made it does however cover the ones that are considered the most viable at this time in PvP. The one skill you will see listed for every single template is Resisting Spells, I cannot stress how important this skill is to your PvP template. With it you stand a chance of resisting a poison or negating a damage spell, without it you are dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Mage Templates: Defined as using only magic spells as their offense. Scribe/Stun Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Anatomy, Inscription) The most popular Mage template. Adding anatomy to the wrestling skill gives the player the opportunity to stun punch(paralyze) the opponent for 4 seconds in which they cannot move or cast. Inscription gives a bonus to defensive skills such as magic reflect, protection, arch protection, and reactive armor. This proves to extremely helpful when fighting solo. Scribe/Nox Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Poisoning, Inscription) Poisoning coupled with Magery allows the caster to cast higher levels of poison than without the skill. The level of poison that can be cast is dependent on the amount of poisoning skill and the distance from the target. The closer you are the higher level will automatically be cast, up to deadly poison. Inscription gives a bonus to defensive skills such as magic reflect, protection, arch protection, and reactive armor. This proves to extremely helpful when fighting solo. Nox/Stun Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Anatomy, Poisoning) Adding anatomy to the wrestling skill gives the player the opportunity to stun punch (paralyze) the opponent for 4 seconds in which they cannot move or cast. Poisoning coupled with Magery allows the caster to cast higher levels of poison than without the skill. The level of poison that can be cast is dependent on the amount of poisoning skill and the distance from the target. The closer you are the higher level will automatically be cast, up to deadly poison. Healer/Stun Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Anatomy, Healing) The healing skill coupled with Anatomy allows players to apply bandages to heal, cure, or resurrect. Adding anatomy to the wrestling skill gives the player the opportunity to stun punch (paralyze) the opponent for 4 seconds in which they cannot move or cast. This is a survivalist template. Parry/Stun Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Anatomy, Parry) The parry skill allows a character to defensively block physical damage attacks from weapons, arrows, and fists using a shield. Shields cannot be armed while casting. Adding anatomy to the wrestling skill gives the player the opportunity to stun punch (paralyze) the opponent for 4 seconds in which they cannot move or cast. Hiding/Stun Mage (Magery, Resisting Spells, Meditation, Evaluate Intelligence, Wrestling, Anatomy, Hiding) The hiding skill will allow the player to disappear from sight to evade enemies or to ambush them. Adding anatomy to the wrestling skill gives the player the opportunity to stun punch (paralyze) the opponent for 4 seconds in which they cannot move or cast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Mages Templates - Defined as a Mage who uses magery and a weapon skill as their offense. All tanks use the following template: Magery, Evaluate Intelligence, Meditation, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, Tactics, *Weapon skill of Choice. Available weapon skills are Swordsmanship, Fencing, Macing, & Archery Swords Mage: A very popular choice by many. The swords skill has a large selection of weapons at their disposal to allow for heavy hitting weapons such as the halberd or fast weapons like the katana. Some swords are also able to be poisoned with deadly poison which can be a great edge in PvP. Tank mages who use swordsmanship and anatomy have a chance for a concussion blow. Fencer Mage: Another popular choice. The fencing skill has a nice assortment of weapons as well but also boasts the fastest weapons. This can be an asset since tank mages do not have high dexterity. Using a two handed spear gives the ability to deliver a paralyzingly blow randomly which will render the opponent unable to move or cast for a couple seconds. Many fencing weapons can also be poisoned with deadly poison. Macer Mage: A mace tank is all about big hits and deteriorating stamina. Your choice of quick with medium damage to slow and heavy hitting are at your disposal. Macing + Anatomy will allow you to deliver a crushing blow randomly if you are using a war hammer. A crushing blow will give you a 50% damage bonus to you strike against an opponent. Maces are deadly if your opponent is not prepared with stamina refresh potions. There are no maces that can be poisoned. Archer Mage: Archer mages can be very deadly although not a popular template. Choices are limited in weapons as bows, crossbows, and heavy crossbows. Archery has no special abilities and arrows cannot be poisoned. Archery is based off a timer and you must be stopped for .25 seconds to fire an arrow on the run so understanding timing is of the utmost importance. Accuracy for archery is determined by a variety of factors including if you are moving, your range to the target and your archery skill. So when training the skill the most effective method is to be close to the target. However if you go toe to toe with a target while holding a bow, the bow is considered a standard melee weapon when calculating your chance to hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior Classes Templates: Defined as using a weapon class as their primary offense. Lumberjack (Swords, Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Lumberjacking, Resisting Spells, *Optional Skillset): Lumberjacks use the swords skill with the lumberjack skill for an added bonus to damage when equipped with an axe. Lumberjacks have the ability to deliver a concussion blow that reduces the victims intelligence by 25% for a duration of 30 seconds effectively crippling their mana supply and regeneration rate. Basic Melee Warrior (*Weapon Class, Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Resisting Spells, *Optional, *Optional): The basic Melee type follows this template filling I'm the options with whatever compliments their play style the best. You could add Magery, hiding, stealth, poisoning, a secondary weapon class, or any other setup of skills. A very popular template would utilize Parry as the 6th skill slot and divide the remaining 100 points in to 70 Magery and 30 Tracking. A warrior class can be deadly in its own right but also can be a handicap as well. They are not as versatile and aren't as beneficial to a group as a Mage who can cast offensive and defensive spells with timing and accuracy. A warrior is much easier to learn to PvP with but will not be as powerful as a Mage or Tank template in the grand scheme of things. Other PvP templates: There are many other PvP templates out there from Stealth mages to Tamer Mages. Find one that suits your play style and focus on perfecting that style. While there is no template that is wrong for PvP, there certainly are some templates that are more powerful or beneficial in PvP. Alchemy currently gives no bonuses to potions on UO:R so the Alchemy Mage template is not listed as viable. Choose wisely, your life depends on it...
Scribe warrior ought to be added to the basic melee warrior templates. Can be quite powerful. The 2 optional ; Magery+ inscription, Lets you Gheal a teammate a few times or yourself,and if using macing you will have 50% dodge chance with a wand too, In group pvp both of those are a huge plus. Aside from the added survivability of inscription + magery boosted reflect or arch protection etc,
This post is super old but even if it wasn't - scribe warrior is awful. It has no offensive ability and you would have to carefully tailor a scenario for it to have a winning outcome. Like you'd have to put the scribe warrior in a 1on1 with his opponent, in a duel arena, where refreshes and wands were limited or not allowed for a win to be plausible. Although I suppose, in the context of this thread, there are several terrible templates already listed - parry/stun, scribe/nox, all archers, swordstank, and all macers should never be used in real pvp on this server.
Are you saying that tank mages with swords is not viable? What templates do you consider effective on this shard?