Meeting Notes: 10/3/2018

Discussion in 'PvP University [P*U]' started by Ervin, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Tonight's Class - Marathon of Death!

    • Marathon of Death - Many death robes were collected.
      • On foot, a group of 9 started at the head of the snake..entering the path toward Terathan Keep. The journey would take them from the entrance down in to the depths of the Keep, through the caverns of the Ophidians and through the back chambers towards the Champ Spawn area to finally cross the bridge to reach the goal of the Star Room. Ophidian Knights, Matriarch's, Avengers, Poison Elementals, Dread Spiders....oh my!
      • Each person was given two main objectives:
        1. Keep yourself cured of poison ASAP
        2. Keep your classmates alive
      • The lesson to be learned was to be able to navigate through dangerous and sometimes overwhelming situations while focusing on not only yourself but your classmates health. Since there is plenty of poison to go around in Tera Keep, it was a good exercise in using potions as needed!
      • The group was to remain on screen as a group so heals could be casted.
      • When a person died it was the groups responsibility to ensure they were able to get back in the action safely and quickly.
      • In some areas group thinking was needed to come up with tactics to successfully navigate areas.
      • At the end, all made it to the Star Room with all belongings and a few scars to take with them ;)
      • Pictures of the event below....

    Good times!

    • Bonus!
      • Upon completing the Marathon of Death we were notified that a member who was camping a IDOC had been killed as it fell and instantly everyone wanted to go get in a fight lol. So as a group we engaged in our first PvP group confilct against a group of reds, SOF was there and others (perhaps alts, not sure). It was fun, we got in some good shots but ultimately due to lack of preparedness and training, we were bested but all students had a blast so thank you for all involved!
      • It was a good learning experience for the students to feel what an actual fight (not spar) feels like and how chaotic it can be. We discussed areas that were obvious shortcomings from inexperience and areas where things should have been done differently for better odds.
      • I died with a smile on my face because for a group of people who barely know each other and are new to PvP, they did not care if they won or lost. They just wanted a piece of action and to get to put some of their training in action. What more can an instructor ask for?!

    Time to start Group PvP Training! The next event will be this Friday for the Friday Night Fights! Please show up and support the PvP scene, even if you do not enter please watch and learn from some of the best the server has to offer.

    DaBucs, LanDarr, NCCML and 2 others like this.
  2. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
  3. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Excellent, im glad you could find some field fights and gain experience.

    This group will be active a lot during halloween and you should be prepared to encounter them :)
    NCCML likes this.
  4. Zershii

    Zershii Active Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Still waiting on those screenies, fam.
  5. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Posted a few. Thanks for the reminder ;)

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