Now that we have our own sub-forum, ( Thank you, @Chris ) I feel it is time to lay down our old thread. Still, it would be truly regrettable if it were to get lost in the shuffle. With that in mind, let us not forget the old Yew [Yew] thread. It contains some important proclamations and is an essential part of our history that should not be abandoned altogether. In the days to come, some of the content will be updated and re-posted here. However, being an ancient culture, we do strive to preserve our history and these old writings, dusty and cobwebbed though they may be, are too valuable to be forgotten. Yew Endures!
Not really, I was content to leave it as a link. But I thank you again for your continued assistance! You are a true treasure! I look forward to meeting you! I will be available tonight at midnight GMT (7pm EST). Feel free to send me a missive via the forums or contact me through the ether (IRC) and we can meet at Empath Abbey over a bottle of Yew's finest wine.