what if they were permanent and cost 500 plat and 7500 silver? pros: - creates a big silver sink - extends an existing plat sink - could incentivize faction combat - item already exists in codebase w/o addl coding (no need for delay timer, now) cons: - sl has a head start on silver
How about a Faction Ethe Hue Deed that could be purchased with silver from a Faction vendor? Farming silver is pretty much a non-issue though. Could be good incentive to get factioners out there more, even if they're tamers.
I assume it'd be one of those "you have to own the town to put the vendor up" situations, which would give incentive to fight over the sigils
Farming silver is as easy as killing wisps for some. i like Lib's idea , im thinking of going with my alt Minax if Tom every shows his face again.
I'm all for this. I know it would rid me of 1500 plat and actually give me a reason to go farm for silver too.
hey @Telamon , this seems to have nothing but support. can we get a word on how feasable it is or how you feel about it?
He goes by @Chris on here. Also, I now disagree with this idea and think it's the worst of the worst ever (this should help with implementation).
I'm for it. Just legitimately curious how it would incentivize faction pvp? The way I understand the suggestion, you would just need to hold 1 town, once, and you could purchase a colored faction ethy and ride it forever? So at best it gets you some initial battles while all the factions get their new ethies. At worst you just join w/e faction is in power and live with that color mount. If my understanding is correct, maybe a solution is that they are regular hued ethies unless your faction has control of at least 1 town, at which time it would take on the color.
Perhaps just colored faction ethereals that cost 1000 silver and turn into a regular horse after three weeks, like other faction blessed shit. I agree it shouldn't be a permanent item that you get after a single town control instance.
I think the problem that we face in terms of them decaying (which I would also prefer) is the fact that it would be more difficult to code that way. Even if it is a one time thing it would sink several thousand plat and silver off the server
I see a few, but it's really a matter of perspective. Not entirely sure on which Liberation was referring to, but I could be mistaken that it was his intention at all.