Catalin’s Adventures! - VoP

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    Ok, With the exception of The Watch's epic, mindblowing tales and Zyler's random adventures. I'm starting to be a one man spam attack here at the Salty Dog.

    So, I am going to start this here soliloquy in which to share my adventures which I feel are extremely fun, but for which I cannot produce a satisfactory story.

    Behold the ADVENTURES OF CATALIN! - Village of Paws (Southern Settlement)

    While making a journey to Stormhold I found their kingdom assaulted by Ogres!

    I've not been in this land very long, and already my armor is more weary than I!

    I noticed the graveyard was inhabited with the most unnatural corpses. I sent a message to the guards of king brit, if they wish to keep evil out, they should do a better job of cleansing their dead!

    Way up north, near the fortress of the Northern Outriders, stands a solitary oak. But it is no ordinary oak!

    Behold the ettins fall before the duo of Catalin and Kiln!

    And the coup de gras, a silver harp recovered in our very own Village of Paws!

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    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    Do not let his brazen and steely exterior fool you. While Catalin prefers that his enemies think of him as fearless, he cannot hide his disinclination to encounter dragons! What is that? You've heard that he is a renowned dragon hunter? Well all not all rumors true!

    This one must have been started by Prescot who wanted a simple escort to Yew. He saw a dragon die by the hand of Aeritas the Just. Although Catalin had very little to do indeed with this first dragon slaying it seems a good portion of that fame was also shared with him.

    Yet the rumors spread like wildfire, so we find Catalin constantly being sought after for escorts to Destard!

    Instead of taking the higher road and admitting he is no dragon slayer, instead Catalin kindles the rumor's light and he finds himself a bona fide Dragon tracker and sets out for Destard.

    And what's a stronger sign from the fates than an eagle to bless their journey?

    Upon arriving at Destard, they found that perhaps they were a bit short handed, so queue the arrival of the REAL dragon slayer, Aeritas the Just, the Asunderer of dragons!

    It takes a few tries, but once Aeritas realized his helmet is on wrong, they were able to aptly deal with the dragons.

    After waxing a few dragon hides, the group decides its time for them to fleeve (fleeving is often confused with fleeing because it more or less resembles leaving a place in great haste). Outside the mountainous cave, Catalin reflects on whether or not upholding his rather undesired reputation of a Dragon hunter was worth this escort detail...

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    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  3. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Re: Catalin’s Adventures! - VoP

    Ah thank you very much for your brave defense of our fortress! The Captain the Stormhold militia sends his sincerest thanks!

    The land our city sits was carved from the very woods that make up our border and thus is constantly besieged by creatures of the forest. Our guards do their best to battle them back but their attacks continue unabated.

    Hopefully in the future when our militia grows we can turn them back once and for all, but until then we will have to depend upon good and decent citizens of Sosaria like yourself!

    Next time you or your friends are about the head of our militia would like to reward you as well!
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    I cannot take full credit. For you see the arrow in that scene was in fact the final shot in my quiver. I had consigned myself to a warrior's death. However right before the creatures subdued me a mighty man, Godric Greycliff charged from the fortress and decimated the ogres battalion! Three cheers for storm :? hold!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  5. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Re: Catalin’s Adventures! - VoP

    Ah! Godric is my good friend and fellow founder of the Hold. Good timing indeed!
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    ^ new adventures!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    New adventures!

    Trawls of Valor - Burying the Undead!

    Upon finishing his usual patrol of the roads between Paws and Britain, Catalin sees his map light up with a cry for help! It's Aidan Moonspell, and he's somewhere near Vesper...

    Catalin arrives on scene and finds Aidan Moonspell frantically healing two valiant warriors, the Trawls, who are fending off hordes of bogles, wraiths, and skelingtons... To any other, this may have appeared to be 'new' folks training in the land. But Catalin immediatey saw an opportunity here. Thanks to the valiant efforts of these few brave souls, the passage to the Lost Lands was cleared! Rallying some forces they marched upon the mages of the Fire Dungeon. The dark mages whose necromantic curses were responsible for 99.9% of the undead that stirred in every graveyard.

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    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
  8. The Watch

    The Watch Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2013
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    Echoes and Mist

    The Dark Lord sat at a table littered with strange objects and interconnected vials and beakers. Before him sat a stone, an ancient thing, glowing a baleful red. His fingers were resting in the stone as he chanted a low and powerful spell. The stone flared briefly, as its power merged with that of the Dark Lord's spell.

    The Dark Lord felt the connection build, and he could hear his minions in the Fire Dungeon. But something was wrong...terribly wrong. There were shouts, and cries of pain which were the common chorus of that vile realm and his dark servants, but these shouts were different. The unmistakable ring of steel could be heard, and horses' hooves charging about.

    The Dark Mages were under attack.

    The Dark Lord tried to forge the bond stronger, tried to open the viewing window so that he might see who the assailants were, but just as the bond was solidifying, the Mage on the other end of the ancient communications stone was slaughtered. The Dark Lord felt the moment of his death as a crushing blow fell leagues away. As the bond, and his servant's life both faded, the Dark Lord heard one final thing...

    "...Suflare Vitale!..."

    And then....nothing.
    Jupiter likes this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    Catalin and his dwarf at it again! Participating in their two most favorite relaxations

    Titan Bashing and Chess!

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  10. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    Tournaments are a tricky thing. Some folks live only for tournaments, while other's could care less.

    Regardless of which camp you fall under, a good tournament starts one time and is run tightly by a sharp officiator.

    The Grimoire did not disappoint!

    Liberation proves to be a gracious and very tactful host. Making sure to give thanks to those who help provide for such fun events.

    Liberation accepts a 'slight' deviation from the regulations to allow for an opening act of Catalin and Kiln from Village of Paws.
    Take note that the 'Rope-a-Dope' tactic is far less effective on real players.

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Re: Catalin's Adventures! - VoP

    Borin Orcbane Drake!

    Finding a messenger, noblewoman, or random peasant in need of an escort detail is no trouble in these lands. The challenge lies in finding a suitable guide to help you arrive at your destination alive! Fortunately for Catalin, the winds were in his favor.

    The small regions of the world often produce the most spectacular of heroes. From the city of Cove -- borne out of toil and strife -- comes Borin Drake! Over any Orc Slayer weapon, I would much rather prefer to have Borin 'Orcbane' Drake by my side in battle! With his left hand he wallops orcs and with is right he cleaves them in two!

    Side by side Catalin and Borin assaulted the Orc encampment lighting a candle for each lost soul that had been captured and butchered by these ruthless creatures!
    (Not seen in this picture: the entire orc company that was decimated by Borin. I thought it would better suit the solemnity of our cause to focus on the candles we lit for lost souls)

    On theirway back to civilization, they encountered an evil red healer snooping through the chests of this innocent person's house. The universe was pleased with Catalin and Borin rewarding them with a LOT of Karma :)

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    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  12. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Cloak and Daggers ~ An Assault on Titans ~

    Tonight was bound to be a good night, for Catalin's horse had just bonded to him. Yet shortly after feeding his new best friend an apple, Catalin heard word that another comrade was without a cloak!

    If there is anything that Catalin cannot stand more than spilt milk, or dragons (in that order), it is know that a friend is without a cloak! And in the dungeon of Deceit of all places! Without hesitation, Catalin knew what his quest would be: He must deliver a cloak to Borin Drake!

    Fortunately, He would not have to brave the traps and bones of deceit alone, for Aeritas the Just, was just around the corner!

    After reaching Borin Drake and delivering the cloak, the group decide it would be better if, with their combined might, they lay to rest the evils that festered here. So they bravely vanquished hissing vortexes of poison, bones of ancient knights.

    After they could stand the dank caverns of deceit no longer, the group decided to set sail for the island of Colossus!

    As they prepared the ship out from Moonglow docks, they learn that a new traveler, Jeff Riverwood, from the Riverwood Shire was willing to lend his newly acquired blade to their forces.

    Full of confidence from their victories in Deceit, they charge the one eye'd things, but it seems these giant creatures aren't as dimwitted as their distant cousins (the ettins). They spring a trap upon the warriors, and things start to look mighty grim!

    Fortunately, Aeritas has been working hard to build the virtue of sacrifice, allowing him to return to the battle!

    After they get their act together, they quickly decimate the Titan's forces.

    This, my friends, was a good night.

    May your journeys be safe, and your adventures not a few.

    - Jupiter Greystone


    A friend in need

    Assault on Titan Valley lead by the Riverwood Shire!
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    The Hand of Retribution

    Catalin stepped over the bodies, examining as he made his way to the tent. The markings on their wrists and nape were distinct of only one hole foul enough to inspire such vile depictions. Prison Peak.

    For some reason unknown the small village had attracted the attention of the brigands. Perhaps Catalin's declaration of freedom had been seen as a challenge by some unholy warden from within the mountain prison. Regardless, the number of travelers being kidnapped had definitely increased during the last moon.

    They had to send a message that would be certain to be heard by this veiled ruler of malevolence.

    And so, Catalin called upon a handful of warriors to be named by Jupiter, Wizard of the Grey Order to give their company a name. And thus, the Hand of Retribution was assembled to carry Catalin's banner deep within the Executioners' chambers.

    Moving swiftly, the warriors quickly assailed the rocky fortress before the prisoners could even attempt retaliation.

    After dispatching nearly all of the Grand Visor's top ranking generals and commanders, the cowardly Sahen finally revealed himself. His ax was heavy, and his ferocity was great, but the Hand separated Sahen's spirit from body.

    As the warriors left the Prison they noticed that many of the coins that now filled their purses bore the markings of Yew. Without a single word uttered, they all knew precisely what had to be done: a portion of their gold would have to be returned to the good citizens of Yew!

    The Hand of Retribution is assembled

    Executioners are decimated

    As quickly as they were called to action, the Hand returns a boon of gold and dissemble until they shall be called on again.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  14. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    A Gypsy Gamble! - VoP

    As most of these adventures start, we find our endeared protagonist in search of compassion. Why it is he is constantly in search of it near the Shrine of Spirituality is beyond this writer's omniscient 3rd person comprehension to explain, but regardless, there it begins.

    After saving the maiden Jasmina, he learns the brigands were taking her to N'ujelm to be sold, not into a brothel, but some kind of deep earth mining operation.

    Not willing to tolerate the subjugation of free spirits, Catalin calls upon his brothers and they set off to investigate Jasmina's claims. They quickly learn they've landed into a mess that went deep, literally, deep into the dark underbelly of Britannia! A secret mine shaft at the outskirts of Nuj'elm was discovered. And what more, this mine was beyond the notice of the King's guards!!!

    Seeking to find answers Jupiter and his company rush to the Gypsy town, just west of the main city. However, to their surprise they find the city COMPLETELY empty. No need to try and sneak up on gypsies when none are around...

    Fortunately they found the answers they sought from a depraved groom, who also had been forced to dig in the mine. Thanks to the information from Julius they learn that this evil mine is connected somehow with Despise!

    After a long fought battle, through scores of slimes and giant rats, Catalin's forces break through the bridge. But now with their weapons scarred and dulled by the acid of slimes, they faced vicious ogres of Lordly stature!

    Our valiant band did not falter and after taking the bridge they also stayed and thwarted the ogres until they set up a skull candle beacon. Seeing that the Ogre Lords reinforcements were coming, the band decided it best to beat a hasty retreat.



    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  15. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Re: Catalin’s Adventures! - VoP

    These are fun, makes me feel like I am missing out. :(
  16. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    A stolen missive

    **** an intercepted missive from Catalin of Paws ****


    I must admit it was not without a bit of trepidation that I accepted your council to travel about the land with the one known as Shadbak. I've waged war upon all manner of Orcs for so long that I'd never considered that there could be anything but an evil orc.

    But after my journeys with Shadbak, my opinion has been surprisingly reversed. I have found Shadbak to be extremely well versed in the affairs of men and quite well educated. Perhaps even more so than Kiln, our village dwarf.

    Of particularly high interest I would like to report of our excursion into the cave at the far south end of the Trinsic jungles. Up to this date we were unable to send any search parties sufficiently large enough to investigate the cave and verify if the rumors of a blazing bird are true, but we recently found a party of souls brave enough to investigate it. Together with Aeritas, Ormulfr of the Order of the Silver Serpent, and Shadbak, I found the rumors to be true. There is indeed a bird whose plumes appear to be of flame and spark! But even more dreadful still, the caverns are filled with creatures that almost decimated our party. There were swirling vortexes, similar to the Air Elementals you have summoned, but which spoke a language which none in our party could understand. Their words I cannot even repeat, because it was more of a rhythmic muttering with no discernible vocals, but with those rhythmic sounds they seemed to be controlling the most dreadful giant arachnids - enormous spiders which could spout curses like those I've felt from Liches and Dark Mages! And if that weren't terrible enough, once we escaped those hateful things, we ran into pure elements of flame, which roamed about freely without being bound by any fashion to a fuel source to keep their fire alight. I feel there is more to this cave, but we were not able to find it; we barely managed to escape with our lives; many of our village's finest steeds lost their lives. I still cringe at the sound of branches breaking for it reminds me of the sounds of those spiders as they consumed our best stallions and friends...

    A dark hand crumpled the note

    "You bring me this, and had hoped to gain favor in my site?! You miserable excuse of a wretch! I'd have only accepted the head of this Catalin on a pike! He is now even recruiting Orcs to his ranks?"

    "But, master," the worm began groveling and pawing the feet of the dark figure, "you only commanded that I observe. I did as commanded, I am a good servant, oh please, master say you neeeed us.. please"

    "All you had to do was to block their path, and allow my Effreets and Dread Spiders to do the deed," the master boomed, "you are a worthless wretch, and your ration of essence shall not be given until my wrath is subsided!"

    "NOOOOOOOOOooo," the worm cried out in torment, but it's cry turned into gurgles as the master clenched its throat and tossed it across the cavern.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014

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